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Patient Information

Here you can find out how to register at our Practice and read other important information for patients.

You can find out more by clicking on the links.

Access to medical records

You have a right under the Data Protection Act 1998 to request access to view or to obtain copies of what information the surgery holds about you and to have...

Accessible Information

Here at South Axholme Practice, we want to provide you with information in a way that you can understand and also ensure that you find it easy to communicate with...


Are you a Carer? A carer is anyone who cares, unpaid, for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction cannot...

Complaints and compliments

The Practice has a complaints policy. Complaints should be made in the first instance to the Reception or Dispensary Supervisors, where appropriate. If this is not appropriate, complaints should be...

How to register

South Axholme Practice is offering a new online method of registering at the practice  Just fill in this quick online form to start the process. You do not need proof of address or immigration...

Named GP

All patients are allocated a named accountable GP. Having a named GP does not prevent you from seeing any other doctor in the Practice. Your named GP will not be...

Patient Confidentiality, Privacy Notice and GDPR

Privacy notices SAP GP GDPR Privacy Notice v3.2 Decmeber 2023 SAP COVID19 Privacy Notice v6 August 2023 SAP GP GDPR Children Privacy Notice v3.2 December 2023 SAP GP GDPR Candidate...

Patient rights and responsibilities

You have the right to be treated with respect and without discrimination but certain responsibilities are also expected of you – for example if you are unable to keep an...

Practice boundary

Please use the link below to see our catchment area. We are currently unable to accept registrations from patients outside this boundary. For more information please call the practice.″>...


If you have been referred to a specialist at a Hospital, please read the following leaflets for more information: What happens when you are referred 2 Week Wait (2WW) referrals...

Safeguarding Children & Vulnerable Adults

Safeguarding is everyone’s business All the surgery staff have safeguarding training and are always willing to talk to anyone concerned about the safety of a member of our community. Here...

Updating your details

It is important that you tell the person treating you if any of your details such as your name or address have changed or if any of your details such...

Useful links

Please find a selection of useful links below… Age Concern Adult Information Hub  Alzheimers Society Beat Eating Disorders Bereavement Advice Business Ideas, Employment, Housing and Financial Guide for Veterans The...

Using this website

The medical information on this website, and on any sites linked to from this website, gives general advice only and SHOULD NOT be used as a substitute for the personal...

Violent and abusive behaviour

As an employer, the Practice has a duty to care for the health and safety of its staff. The Practice also has a legal responsibility to provide a safe and...

Date published: 8th October, 2014
Date last updated: 20th September, 2017