Click on the links to find more information for patients.
Clincial Commissioning Group
The CCG can give details of medical, dental and optical services in the area. NHS North Lincolnshire CCG Health Place Wrawby Road Brigg DN20 8GS Telephone Number: 01652 251000 North...
Disabled access
All surgeries have been assessed and deemed to offer suitable facilities for the disabled. If you are unable to manage the stairs at Epworth surgery please tell the reception staff...
GP net earnings
From April 2016 it has become a contractual requirement for all GP practices to publish the mean net earnings of the partners, salaried GPs and locums who have worked in...
Medical education
The Practice has been recognised for the training of future General Practitioners. Dr Borrill and Dr. Ganapathy have been approved as trainers in General Practice, Dr. Armstrong is an approved trainer for recently...
South Axholme Practice is an RCGP credited site for research we have a long history of being actively involved in medical research dating back to the 1980’s. We view research as...
Date published: 8th October, 2014
Date last updated: 19th November, 2014